Thanksgiving is this week, which means that winter isn't far behind. In fact, it's already snowed a handful of times here in Denver. My ideal winter day is one with nowhere to go, spent cozied up in my pjs, with a hot cup of cocoa, fireplace roaring, reading a book. Uninterrupted, of course. But oh yeah, I have kids. So that's not gonna happen.
Now that my kids are older, winter isn't as hard as it used to be. They're all pretty good at putting on their own boots, gloves, zipping coats. And I thought that day would never come. But they still get bored; and they need extra ideas of things they can do that aren't electronic. I made this winter list when they were a lot younger; but it still comes handy every winter.
Some years we use it as a checklist. Other years, we cut all the activities out and put them in a jar. Then we pull out an activity when there's "nothing to do." It's always a lot of fun to see if we can check off everything on the list in one winter. So however you use it, I'm sure you're going to love our winter checklist, too!
Just download and print the file here, and you're all set! Stay warm out there, folks!